Grow INCREMENT 14-10-34 + TE is a high-potassium fertilizer that enhances fruit quality and provides balanced nutrients during the plant's growth stage.
Grow PROGBA 27-9-18 + TE is a nitrogen-rich fertilizer solution that supports robust plant growth and enhances foliage development during the growth stage.
Grow ULTIMA 3-10-40 + 2MgO + TE Gel provides specialized support to plants with its high potassium content and balanced nutrient formula, enhancing fruit formation.
Grow LIBRATUM 20-20-20 + TE Gel provides balanced NPK and micronutrients for plants at all growth stages in a convenient concentrated gel form
Grow CIO 11-40-11 + 2Mg + TE Gel supports root development and early growth with its phosphorus-rich formula in a gel solution.
Grow ULTIMA 3-10-40 + 2MgO + TE is the ideal fertilizer for supporting flowering and fruit development with its high potassium content.
Grow LIBRATUM 20-20-20 + TE provides balanced nutrition for plants at all growth stages and promotes healthy development.
Grow CIO 11-40-11 + 2Mg + TE fertilizer accelerates root development, supports early growth, and provides balanced nutrition for plants.